Horizon Health is a pioneer in behavioral health outcomes measurement. Our team uses a combination of standardized, proprietary and custom clinical and case-mix data tools. These tools provide a robust clinical-outcomes, patient satisfaction benchmarking and performance-improvement database on an easy-to-navigate, user-friendly platform. This platform is accessible 24/7 and is operated by Horizon’s subsidiary Mental Health Outcomes (MHO).
More than 2 million positive patient outcomes.
Mental Health Outcomes provides you with the data you need to analyze your Patient Experience and program-level scoring and data, as well as assists with Reputation Management through Referral Satisfaction Surveying. This helps you better understand the likelihood of patients recommending your facility’s services to a friend or family member.
Your Patients Like You. Tell Your Story.
Patient Experience
Easy to navigate, user-friendly platform
Access your patient and program-level scoring and trending data 24/7
Reputation Management
Share your patient experience data and patient satisfaction scores. Manage your reputation in your community.
Benchmark Comparison Data
Know where you stand with item-by-item comparison data to facilities like yours.
Let us help you tell your story with reporting that details your:
Outcomes Data Tools
Clinical Outcomes
Change Score
Statistically Meaningful Improvement
Percent Improvement
Patient Experience
Net Promoter Score
Patient Satisfaction Score
The MHO team conducts a thorough analysis of all data collected and presents it in streamlined, easy-to-understand reports that provide you (and your stakeholders) with actionable items to support your patient experience efforts.
Your Patients Like You. Tell Your Story.
Patient Experience
Negotiating Power
Data for Value Based Contracting with payers by providing information on: Statistically Meaningful Improvement, NPS, Reduction in Symptom Severity and Patient Satisfaction.
Marketing Advantage
Enable data-driven marketing to the community. Demonstrate how you outperform the comparison benchmark.
Tell Your Story
Don’t leave it to online searches to share this information. We offer you the ability to have a voice. Your patients like you; we can help tell your story.