Why Social Determinants Should Impact Mental Health Assessments

Why Social Determinants Should Impact Mental Health Assessments

There has been a recent emphasis in the healthcare sector on better understanding how social determinants impact individual health. Based on what we have learned over the past few years, it seems apparent that social determinants play a bigger role in individual health than previously thought. So much so that they should impact mental health assessments moving forward.

As an organization offering behavioral health management and consulting services, we are keenly aware of a healthcare facility’s responsibility to seek the best possible outcomes for patients. Positive outcomes are a key component in measuring the effectiveness of any mental health management program. So, it stands to reason that we would also be interested in helping clients understand the importance of paying attention to social determinants

Social Determinants and Physical Health

It is not necessarily as easy to quantify social determinants in mental health compared to physical health. On the physical side of things, there is a growing body of evidence proving that social determinants play a role in a person’s overall health.

For example, the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology worked together to publish new heart disease prevention guidelines in 2019. In doing so, they cited data supporting the idea that social determinants are a strong indication of cardiovascular risk.

It stands to reason that many of the same things capable of affecting physical health also affect mental health. In the behavioral health consulting field, we would be irresponsible to dismiss the notion of social determinants and their impact on mental health.

More Than Just Income

Household income is often cited in discussions about social determinants. That is not without reason. Household income influences so many areas of life that it is hard to fully quantify them. But the entire body of social determinants goes well beyond just income.

Social determinants also include:

  • Access to healthcare services
  • Educational access and quality
  • Overall economic stability
  • Safe housing and neighborhoods
  • Access to transportation
  • Immediate social environment

In essence, social determinants are made up of a very broad range of influences capable of affecting people on a social level. The interesting thing is that different social determinants can impact people in different ways. A good example is access to healthcare services.

Physical Health Affects Mental Health

We already know that physical health affects mental health. That being the case, a lack of access to healthcare services could have a larger impact on a person who is generally unhealthy. Not being in good health while struggling to access services can make a difficult situation worse.

On the other hand, a person who is generally healthy may not need access to healthcare services on a regular basis. A lack of access would not necessarily be harmful to that person’s physical or mental state as long as they remained healthy.

Still More to Learn

The more we learn about social determinants and their impact on physical and mental health, the more we realize that there is plenty to learn. We might ultimately discover that the best way to ensure good physical and mental health is to concentrate on social determinants rather than the actual physical causes of illness.

Effectively treating patients with behavioral health issues starts with effective assessments. The more we learn about social determinants, the more apparent the need to include them in mental health assessments. We can no longer ignore the social determinants factor.

As a behavioral health consulting firm, we encourage healthcare facilities to focus greater attention on social determinants. Social determinants impact how people live and, in turn, their overall physical and mental health.